Summary of Case Studies:
1. Royal Berkshire Hospital (UK) - Very large serious sacral wound infected with MRSA. Microbiology report CLEAR after two treatments of Oxygen Medicine.
Confirmed again after third treatment wound completely healed shortly after.
2. Oxygen Medicine treatment of MRSA infection in a replacement elbow joint.
3. Princess Royal Hospital (UK) - Oxygen Medicine treatment of MRSA in bladder.
4. Infected Leg - Would not heal after repeated "conventional medicine" treatment. Oxygen Medicine completely healed the wound on the leg.
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A combination of Medical equipment and complementary therapies brought together in innovative ways to aid in the healing of its patients:

- MRSA Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.
- O3 Triatomic oxygen also known as ozone.
- O3 cabinet Heat producing sit-in cabinet fed with Ozone/Oxygen mixture
- O3 leg bag Plastic encapsulating O3 gas.
- O3 water Reverse Osmosis water treated with O3 gas.
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MRSA in an Infected Sacral Wound - Mrs E. K., UK
Mrs K was in the Royal Berkshire Hospital, UK and amongst other things had a very large and serious sacral wound that was infected with MRSA. It was noted by us that the nursing at the hospital had kept the wound in excellent condition by good nursing practice.
Despite this, all attempts to eradicate the MRSA had failed. Mr K contacted Activated Oxygen to delve deeply into the safety of the treatment and after a few telephone conversations with Doctor Jack he approached the hospital for permission to let us treat his wife at the hospital (we had got this far on many occasions with other clients only to be refused access to the hospital once permission was sought at a high level).
We were delighted to be invited into the hospital to carry out the treatment. After two treatments over four days the wound was swabbed by the hospital nursing staff prior to our third treatment. (We had decided on three treatments to clear the MRSA)
Mr K contacted us a week later to tell us the microbiology report from the first two treatments was clear of MRSA and a few days later this was again confirmed by the report from the third treatment. Mrs K left hospital soon after and the wound has healed up.
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MRSA Infected Replacment Elbow - Mr John Hudspeth, County Durham, UK
John came to Activated Oxygen for the first time in June 2006 with an MRSA infection in a replacement elbow joint. We had not treated this condition before but decided on a treatment programme, three treatments on consecutive days were carried out and John returned home. Within a day he reported less pain and more movement.
In September 2006 it became clear that although there had been big improvements we had not completely eradicated the MRSA as a trace showed up in swabs. John returned for two more treatments in a different way that we had developed from treating other prosthetic joints. Today John has reported no pain, a considerable improvement in movement; he is more energetic, does not fall asleep during the day and has put most of his weight back on.
His White Blood Count has dropped from the high 20�s to 6 a slight amount of puss still leaks from a small wound but it appears the infection may already be gone. (We now believe that when a prosthetic joint is treated it may be necessary to also treat via the blood due to the poor circulation in the tissue in these areas, John has not been treated in the blood up to now.
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MRSA in the Bladder - John Wilkinson, UK
John found out about us from speaking to MRSA Support:
On the 6th June 2006 I was admitted to the Princess Royal Hospital Farnborough, UK as an emergency as my bladder was full of blood. And a catheter was fitted. I was told that I would be in the hospital for two or three days but I was only kept in over night with a urine infection.
The symptoms cleared very quickly but after about seven days I started to feel unwell and a further urine test proved positive for MRSA.
This information was given to me by my doctor although the day before I had been back to the hospital but had not been told anything about having an MRSA infection. I phoned the hospital to ask why only to be told that they had not opened the E-mail, they apologised and arranged for me to see the urologist the next day (30th June 2006) I saw Mr Dawkins who told me that I must keep the catheter until the MRSA infection was clear.
On the 25th July 2006 I was told that I was clear and the catheter was removed by my doctor.
On the 8th August 2006 while on duty as a Police community officer in Streatham London I began to feel unwell and then collapsed. I was taken by Ambulance to St-Georges Hospital Tooting where I stayed for four nights, MRSA was confirmed and a super pubic catheter fitted.
From that time I had many tests and MRSA was found in my urine and also the catheter site also at times I had blood in my urine, subsequently I did take many antibiotics between then and the 10th January 2007.
On the 10th January 2007 I arrived at the premises of Complementary Medical in Clifton Campville Staffordshire, UK, where I was met by Mr Nick Fennell who introduced me to Dr Jack. They all made me feel very comfortable and the procedure was explained to me so that when we proceeded I knew what was going on and it proved to be a totally painless experience that took a little longer than expected but was very thorough.
I was given this treatment over three days I then bought some Activated Oxygen Gel for my catheter site said my goodbyes and returned home. I then waited for two weeks then I had three lots of tests over three days.
When I got the results they were Negative on the urine test but positive in the catheter site. This threw me into a bit of a panic as I was scared of it getting back into my bladder as this had been the main problem but after using the anti infection for ten days and some more antibiotics the next batch of tests were Negative.
Being MRSA free I have now been able to have my bladder problem looked at I have had a cystoscopy and have now been told that I need to have a diverticulum removed and prostate surgery but before this can be done I must have more tests for MRSA as my consultant is very concerned about it.
27th April 2007 all the results are MRSA negative so the surgery can go ahead and I am so grateful to the people at Activated Oxygen for making this possible.
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MRSA in the Leg
Ms Julia Coffey, Staffordshire
Julia had an infected leg over a long period of time and had tried many treatments, some made improvements to the leg but it always reverted back when the treatment was finished, she knew about Activated Oxygen as we had treated her mother so she came for a consultation.
It was decided to treat her and in a short space of time the leg was free from infection, she decided to carry on with the healing element of our treatment after the cleansing had finished and although she attended over a long period we can now report a complete healing of the wounds on the leg.
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Dr. S Deb - General Practitioner - Armitage Surgery, Staffordshire - UK
Mr. & Mrs Fennell - Complementary Medical - UK
Mrs S Ostle - RGN - Complementary Medical - UK
Complementary Medical Institute, Staffordshire, UK